

From Mexico

Horchata a drink made from nutritious tiger nuts or chufa originated in Africa and spread to Spain following early conquests. Records show it was consumed in the early 1300s in parts of Spain like Valencia. The recipe was brought to the New World but was altered to use rice and peanuts instead of tiger nuts which were not readily available. In the New World, Horchata in Mexico in Latin America evolved into a lightly sweet, cinnamon infused, rice drink which my kids absolutely love. When we find a restaurant or a relative that that gets it right it quickly becomes a go-to place as it is not so easy to make it well.


  • 1 Lb long grain white rice, rinsed
  • 8 Oz unsalted peanuts,
  • 5-6 Cinnamon sticks


1/2 cup sugar, or more to your taste

Toast unsalted peanuts in frying pan, Soak rice, peanuts and cinnamon sticks in 4 cups of water for at least 3 hours or even better, overnight.

Remove the cinnamon sticks and puree the rice mixture in a blender,  in batches until smooth. Strain through cheesecloth or a fine sieve into a pitcher. Feel free to add water to mixture as needed to blend through the amount of rice.

Mix in the sugar to taste; chill or add ice before serving. Remember to always stir Horchata before serving. It can be garnished with a dusting of ground cinnamon or lemon zest if desired.